Search found 2 matches

by iuslepanda
Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:45 pm
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: Elite turbomuin pieces
Replies: 0
Views: 5210

Elite turbomuin pieces

Hello where can I find spare parts for the clamping axis for the elite turbo muin home trainer, it is the small part which is at the level of the cassette and which allows to put the bike on it, without him my home hanging out is unusable, I unfortunately lost the screw at the tension of the belt ho...
by iuslepanda
Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:39 pm
Forum: Trainers general discussion
Topic: Turbomuin and zwift problem
Replies: 1
Views: 6539

Turbomuin and zwift problem

hello I'm coming to you because I bought a turbo mu trainer not long ago with a misuro b + sensor, when I want to use zwift the sensor is recognized but when I use the application either I drive super fast ( 1200watts) or I don't ride at all, how to configure the sensor well? (10 click for mine, but...

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