Direto slope 14%, real or virtual?

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Direto slope 14%, real or virtual?

Postby raphnou » Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:34 pm


I just did a training with MyEtraining Desktop and the Direto, I chose the maximum slope of 14% that can simulate the Direto.

I really doubt that the slope was 14%, I had a mountain bike gear, 22/28 and my weight 60kg, I kept the pace really effortless, it was not possible that this slope was 14%

Elite staff, can you explain to us not to remain stupid with our Direto, how do you simulate a slope without knowing the weight of the bike/equipment? Should we add it in the parameters of our weight to see a change in resistance?

I'm starting to be skeptical because I find that there is a lot of gray area in Elite software that is full of bug and the real technical characteristics of the Direto

edit: I did a test with 10kg extra, I see no difference, the slope of 14% with the gear 22/28 used does not give at all the same resistance that I could feel in reality, the question remains open .. .

Is the Direto really able to simulate a 14% slope or is it still a clever virtual calculation? :ugeek:

Thank you Elite for enlightening us about this :mrgreen:



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Re: Direto slope 14%, real or virtual?

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:32 pm

Hi Raphael

Well, it's a little more complicated than this :geek:

The max simulable slope depends on: speed of the rider, weight of rider, trainer power curve.

About the weight, it's easy to understand. With the same slope, a lighter rider will develop less power compared to a more heavy rider. If you invert the logic, with the same power a lighter rider will simulate a higher slope.

Now, about the speed. The trainer has a max and minimum resistance that it can offer. The minimum one is due basically to friction. The maximum one is due to the capability of the internal magnets. Power is calculated basing on the speed and the resistance. So, with the same resistance, at different speed you'll have different power. And different power means different simulated slope.
Resuming, the 14% slope simulability is not possible for all the speeds (if you are pedaling very slow, for example around 10km/h, it's not possible for the trainer to simulate that slope - even with the higher resistance level).

Now, the tricky part, the trainer power curve.
All the Direto are slightly different from each other. This is due to internal tolerances (mechanical and magnetic). That's why there is the calibration.
This means that I cannot tell you the max power of your trainer at a certain speed (I'd need also your specific calibration and I'd have to do some complicated calculation on your trainer power map).

So, that's why you have to consider that 14% slope as a reference.
We can say that an average Direto with an average weight rider at an average speed will be able to simulate a 14% slope. But if you want to know exactly the max simulable slope of your specific Direto, that's almost impossible to say (without a deeper analysis of your data).


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