Importing ride from google earth

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Importing ride from google earth

Postby supaphonic » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:27 pm

I have a question regarding the gradient profile generated by google earth (GE). I created a few favourite rides using google earth, and saved as .kml files so I could import them to ride on my smart trainer (Qubo Digital Smart B+). The gradient on GE is very detailed, but when I ride using mymaps the profile has been flattened out, losing a lot of the detail of the route.
Is there a setting I can adjust to improve the resolution of the mapped course? I can see a high resolution in the kml file so it must be reduced when used in the map courses.
Any help would be appreciated, and by the way, very pleased with the whole training package. Works very well and I'm putting in more miles without spending so much time on the road.

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Re: Importing ride from google earth

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:16 am


Are you using Real software or the app?
If you're using the software, are you using the smooth option?
Also, can you send me a screenshot of the altimetry in ge file and one of the altimetry preview you have in the software/app?


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Re: Importing ride from google earth

Postby supaphonic » Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:19 pm

I'm using the app downloaded from google play on an android phone v4.4.1 and v7.0.0.
I've not seen a smooth option on maps courses.
Attached are google earth and screen shot from the phone. Where google earth is showing a gradient of 10% the app will give me between 5.4% and 7% gradient.
bradgate on android.gif
gradient on android
bradgate on android.gif (43.98 KiB) Viewed 11230 times
bradgate route.gif
gradient from google earth
bradgate route.gif (21.23 KiB) Viewed 11230 times

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Re: Importing ride from google earth

Postby Elite Admin S » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:32 am


The gps data registered by the devices are usually very rough and with a lot of spikes, so our app uses an algorithm to smooth the altimetry profile.
This means that if you have short segments with a high slope, they will be smoothed a lot. I think that this is what happens to you.

If you think that this is not your case and that all the altimetry profile is wrong, please contact our customer care using the contact form in the app.


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Re: Importing ride from google earth

Postby supaphonic » Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:13 pm

Thanks for looking into this. I'll try creating the route with different segment lengths and see if it makes any difference. Or else I'll create routes where I don't know the geography.
Many thanks.

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