Garmin sensors, my e-training desktop, newbie!!

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Garmin sensors, my e-training desktop, newbie!!

Postby saviogomes » Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:26 pm

Hi all,
I'm new owner's Direto hometrainer, so I'm a little lost with this hardware.
First of all, I've a Garmin 920XT with cadence and speed sensors. I've uninstalled the last one (fixed on my previous HT wheel). All seems good (after modify circumference... I was surprised, that my speed was more than my car :lol: )
So, Direto is recognized to the 920XT through ANT+ protocol.reverse phone lookupnba reddit

I've tested my-etraining app mobile and direto is perfectly appaired with bluetooth protocol. Surprise, my HRM Garmin is recognized through bluetooth :o

Last test wasn't not successfull... appairing Direto to my Windows 10 laptop. Desktop application still searching Direto. For the moment, I want to use bluetooth and associated choice still warning icon, without any success. So, I had ran the "test workout" with mobile app, and Windows doesn't detect hardware. I've noticed during test, that power change is not really simulate (test begin to 100 and change it by 10w every 1 minute).

Questions are :
- Is my appairing configuration is correct ?
- What I must do to appaired my WIndows 10 laptop ?
- Can I have mobile app and desktop app in the same time ?
- There is any test to determinate values ask by desktop app (like FTP, upper limit and down limit of reference zone (bpm) ?

Thanks for your answers.

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