Elite Tuo problems

General discussions on Elite trainers

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Elite Tuo problems

Postby hello182 » Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:23 pm

I purchased the Tuo a week ago, and after numerous attempts I just can't get it to work properly in Zwift or the myETraining app. It just doesn't adjust resistance at all. On Zwift it shows as everything being connected properly through Bluetooth but when hitting a climb the resistance just doesn't change, it's the same in the workouts as well. On the myETraining app if i try a workout, the Watts change even if I know i'm not putting any effort in. It so frustrating and at the minute a complete waste of money and will be going back to Sigma Sports unless anyone has any ideas how to get the damn thing to work properly. I've calibrated through the app and on Zwift and nothing changes. Help.......

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite Tuo problems

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:21 am

Please contact the support:


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