Suito and wrong cadency with 11-40 sprocket sets

Suito, Direto, Tuo, Drivo, Rampa, Qubo Digital Smart B+, Real series

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Suito and wrong cadency with 11-40 sprocket sets

Postby geraldbardini » Thu Dec 12, 2019 4:07 pm

Hello everyone, I also have a problem with the cadence calculation of my suito home trainer. I have mounted an XTR 11-40 cassette on my suito and strangely enough the cadence is divided by 2 when I follow on sprockets 35 and 40. On the other sprockets the cadency becomes normal again, incomprehensible. Speed and power are ever good.
For information, my current firmware, (obtained via upgrado) is number 191 and hardware revision 4

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Re: Suito and wrong cadency with 11-40 sprocket sets

Postby uyttebroek_wim » Thu Feb 13, 2020 10:56 pm

Hi ,
I'm having similar issues using my old mountainbike with triple chainrings . if I move to the smallest chainring( 24 T ) the cadence showing is only half of the actual cadence. Same on the middle 32T ring and from 30 and higher on the cassette.


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Re: Suito and wrong cadency with 11-40 sprocket sets

Postby geraldbardini » Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:16 pm

it's good to hear I'm not the only one. I'm hoping the Elite Engineers can respond. The bug is easily reproducible, so it should be easy to find the source.

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