Suito 'knocking' noise

Suito, Direto, Tuo, Drivo, Rampa, Qubo Digital Smart B+, Real series

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Suito 'knocking' noise

Postby badrummond » Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:13 pm

I bought a Suito last September (UK) and have loved it. However, just recently, it has developed a 'knocking' sound from the flywheel when pushing through high power/cadence.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so, what did you do to resolve it?

Or is this 'terminal' and I'll need to get it replaced via warranty?

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Re: Suito 'knocking' noise

Postby carlos.vieira » Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:10 pm

Hi, did you get rid of that knocking noise? I've bough a Suito too, and sometimes get that knocking sound also, specially on the resistance kicks in and i have to put more power on the pedals, or when out of the saddle and pushing heavier gears... but the noise is not constant. On those situations, it gives 1 knock once or two, and stops... weird... it's the first trainer i use so i'm not sure if this is normal or not.

One thing i've noticed, is that the cassette that is installed from factory, wasn't correctly tighten. Since i'm not sure if the knocking sound comes from inside the unit or not (it can be related with drive train and cassette), i have put the recommended 40Nm on it and i'll give it a spin later and see if the noise has gone or not.


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Re: Suito 'knocking' noise

Postby kidd.neidhold » Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:26 am

I'm experiencing the same knocking on my new Suito. I just sent a support ticket to Elite, with my SN and a "Spindown" number. I'll update when I receive a response from Elite.

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Re: Suito 'knocking' noise

Postby carlos.vieira » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:36 pm

After tightening the cassette to 40Nm and make some pinpoint adjustments to the shifting cable tension and also the B screw (getting a little more space between the chain and the cogs, so that the chain is not pinched between the derraileur pulley and the cogs), and since that i've ridden about 80km on the trainer. Result: i've got rid almost completely of the noises. Before the adjustments, the noises normally appeared when using small ring at the front and small cogs at the back. Now, after adjustments, i get the noises on big ring at the front, and bigger cogs at the back. But, in both cases, when putting some power on the pedals.

This makes me believe that the noises really comes from the drivetrain. I believe that this also happens when we are on the road, but, since there is tire friction noise, and others noises to distract, we don't notice them... we may feel some just on the pedals for instance.

So, in my case, i do think it's just drivetrain noise. But, i've seen reported cases, where there is a constant knocking noise always, even in low power. There are videos on youtube with this.


carlos.vieira wrote:Hi, did you get rid of that knocking noise? I've bough a Suito too, and sometimes get that knocking sound also, specially on the resistance kicks in and i have to put more power on the pedals, or when out of the saddle and pushing heavier gears... but the noise is not constant. On those situations, it gives 1 knock once or two, and stops... weird... it's the first trainer i use so i'm not sure if this is normal or not.

One thing i've noticed, is that the cassette that is installed from factory, wasn't correctly tighten. Since i'm not sure if the knocking sound comes from inside the unit or not (it can be related with drive train and cassette), i have put the recommended 40Nm on it and i'll give it a spin later and see if the noise has gone or not.


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