Unable to calibrate TUO trainer

Suito, Direto, Tuo, Drivo, Rampa, Qubo Digital Smart B+, Real series

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Unable to calibrate TUO trainer

Postby ronnie » Thu Oct 22, 2020 2:32 pm

So frustrated.

I am using a newly purchased TUO trainer with MTB.
I am constantly failing calibration spindown process.
I use the trainer for 10 min (Do not get cadence data to the etraining app either) then I start the calibration process. Tried both with i-phone and Macbook. Both connected via BT.
Not only it is not easy for me to get to the 33.9KH it is asking me to, it is even harder to do it 4-5-6 times in a row and keep failing.
Moreover, when I get to this speed it tells me to keep pedalling. and by the time I reach 35/6 KH I just cant pedal anymore. Thats the speed my MTB gets to with the gear I am using and I just cannot do this...
My previous trainers dod not ask for more than 25KH.

Does anyone have a clue what could be wrong? I saw very little response from Elite team here on the forum so hopefully the community might be able to help.

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