Bought the Tuo a month ago, and so far its great apart from cadence, which didn't bother me until I had to do a cadence based training session via Zwift, which was impossible as my readings were completely inaccurate.
I cannot find a way to configure or calibrate the cadence in Zwift, downloaded my etraining, cant see one there either.
Then I thought maybe the general calibrate on my etraining would do it, but that failed 5 times in a row, after doing an hours cycle to warm it up. (after reading a few posts this seems quite common)
Is the sensorless cadence just a myth or?
Any help would be appreciated before I purchase a standalone cadence sensor.
Elite Tuo cadence & calibration fail
Moderators: Elite Admin M, Elite Admin S
Re: Elite Tuo cadence & calibration fail
For me the cadence didn't work too at first, upgrading Tuo firmware with Upgrado app worked, but for cadence only. Can't calibrate either with my ETraining.
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