Suito calibration - different offset values every time

Turno, Kura, Turbo Muin Smart B+, Qubo Power Mag Smart B+

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Suito calibration - different offset values every time

Postby pfarid » Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:02 am


I’m using suito - it’s a freshly bought unit .
Every time I perform a spin down calibration I get different numbers for offset . they can differ from each other by as much as 300 . The calibrations are perform one after another, a few seconds apart.
The number on the case says 9062. However some readings can show 9663 , other are closer to 9300 .
I’m doing the calibration by the book - 10 min warmup , then I follow the instructions from the app

My firmware is up to date.

Is it ok that they differ by that much ?

What would be the best app for calibration -
Zwift , the native elite app , trainerroad ?


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