Try to capture Video but fail.

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Try to capture Video but fail.

Postby johannes_merk » Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:49 pm

Hello folks,
I am now on holiday and have the opportunity of capturing nice videos from the cretan mountain landscape. Unfortunately the app closes down soon after start of the record. Either it displays: wrong display orientation: allowed orientatin landscapr or it just stops and wants to save a new track.
We have the recent Elite Software version available (1.3) and tried it with both of our Android Smartphones (version 6.0), same result. With/ without online connection, with fixed horizontal rotation in various sucks!
Could it depends on SD card inserted which I read in previous topics?
If someone can help me to record beautiful tracks for tje Winter period I would be very glad.
Best regards from southern crete

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Re: Try to capture Video but fail.

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:13 am

Hi Johannes

If the orientation is wrong, you should receive an error message and then the app stops registering.
Is this what happens to you? If it is so, try turn the phone upside down.
If the problem doesn't disappear, please contact our customer care at [email protected] and a technician will help you to solve the issue quickly.


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Re: Try to capture Video but fail.

Postby johannes_merk » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:16 am

:lol: Thanks for your answer. This error is one of the messages I received which stopped the recording. Turning the phone uupside down didn't solve the problem. It seemed that the message mostly appeared when I drove throuh a hole/bumper as if it got strange acceleration Information . That's why I disabled automatic rotation but this didn't helped either... :cry:
Ok, I try the technical support...

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