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Need Help !!

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 5:03 pm
by jabrashear
For years I used the Elite Real Axiom/Power to train with. But then, I took a long break from cycling. Now I have a lot of Real Power/Axiom disks, and I would love to get back to training. Unfortunately, I have forgotten how to set up and use the program. So I have many disks, but need help in setting up the program to use them. ANY HELP appreciated.

Re: Need Help !!

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:12 pm
by Elite Admin S
First of all, install the latest version of the software.
You can find it here:

Then install all the videos.

If you have any problem with the software, contact our customer care at [email protected] indicating which software version are you using, the version of your RealPower (wired, wireless, ant) and some screenshot of the errors you get
