The slope is incorrect in myrealvideo

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The slope is incorrect in myrealvideo

Postby bradchang2005 » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:04 am

I took a realvideo through myrealvideo app. I put my iPhone inside of car and climbed on a 12~13km mountain road under around 20 km/hr speed. Everything was good except the slope % wasn't sync with video. The total average slope was fine, but the recorded slope wasn't real. For example, there are lots of slope over 13% and some area under 3% in real, however, the slope is only floating between 5%~9% in the record. And the timing of slope changing is also incorrect. Any suggestion to improve the slope accuracy for my future realvideo recording?

Share the link of myrealvideo I mentioned above: ... d=16978026


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