I've been using Direto XR for short time and mainly in ERG mode and I have to admit it is bit ...demanding in matter of patience
first of all i did upgrade to the latest FW (071) and now i see this could be wrong decision.
I don't know how it was working before but now is far from perfection.
I went thru this thread and almost everything is known, but let me share my feedback as i am using mainly Wahoo Elemnt Bolt as controller (of course i did some runs on Zwift but can't see much difference)
User story one:
I hit into "spin up" bug when resistance was growing up to maximum once connected to wahoo. I thought it was Wahoo problem but then figured out quick spinning up trainer avoid this problem
User story two:
last week I've planned warm-up for 5 mins at 150W, then 10mins at 280W and wanted to have 5mins segment of 320W as next interval.
everything was "not as bad" until 320W when trainer lost contact with the world. resistance stuck at about 160W and whatever i did was not increasing.
i break up training and did some investigations. last think I've tried was CALIBRATION in Elite app. after this step i could re-start training and finish it more-less OK but still far from perfection due to long "transition" time.
User story 3 with some pics:
I've started reading forum thread and found You guys having same issue. so I've done test similar to yours and put results into similar spreadsheet.
i did not realize that TrainingPeaks wrongly interprets ramp, so instead of ramp at the beginning of test i have 1 min@110W and 1 min @72W
i also by my mistake skipped transition from 250 to 150 and back to 250, but result is bad enough to share anyway.

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Here most annoying is delay in watts adjustment on resistance drop. it drops way below target and in fact never reach target.
i could live with it once on end of work small rest is not bad

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here, with smoothing set to 6 this delay hardly let trainer set resistance within 1 minute.
but my feeling was not bad in this setting at all. i felt continuous power without sudden steps. for longer intervals it seems to be OK.
I am not sure if I should bother Elite support with it - perhaps i will open ticket for this issue at least letting Elite know that not everything is OK.