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Direto XR rubbing noise/vibration

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 11:22 am
by powerstatus524
Hello everyone,

I have a questions to users of the mentioned trainer or guys from support.
From the first ride on the trainer I've been experiencing some kind of rubbing dull noise/vibration from the trainer. I've excluded the bike issue, trying my second bike on the trainer - the problem is the samel.
It happens only when I apply relatively more force than usual (when the resistance of the trainer is changing or I am switching the gear) and my pedal stroke is uneven.

Yes, I assume, that I can lean the bike from side to side a little bit, when I apply the force and it can lead to some misalignments of the flywheel. Maybe the "issue" is somewhere there.

Did somebody experience the same issue here, is it normal behavior?


Re: Direto XR rubbing noise/vibration

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2021 7:41 pm
by faliq2
Did the sound still exist? I'm experiencing the aound for my new direto xr which i bought last 3 days.

Re: Direto XR rubbing noise/vibration

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:36 am
by Elite Admin S
Hi guys

It's hard to tell without hearing the noise or feeling the vibration.
I suggest you to contact the support, adding a video in which is possible to hear the noise and to see how the bike is mounted.
Go to this page, select the trainer and click on the open ticket option:


Re: Direto XR rubbing noise/vibration

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:25 pm
by faliq2

I've logged a case 123455 with provided with the video but still no feedback.

Re: Direto XR rubbing noise/vibration

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:40 am
by Elite Admin S

you should have received a reply. Check in your spam folder, if you still can't see it please let me know