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Power difficulty Direto

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:55 pm
by Arjen

Logn story....
I have both a Direto and a Qubo Smart Digital B+.
When I first had the Direto everything seemed to work fine but it gave me the feeling of beeing a real beginner on the bike.
My FTP was around 250W, I am 84kg, well trained and a fast rider (people say...) on the flat and up to 3%.

After a little while I also bought the Qubo and that is when I came to doubt the Direto.
My FTP rase to 340W what seemed to be fitting my outdoor performance for me.

So I did use some power calculators on the web and calculated a 0% resistance, zero wind combination for my weight 40kph -> 330 W average for multiple calculators.
My Qubo gave exactly that in my E-training at level mode, level 1.
The Direto however gave in the same app 280W for this speed.

When trying to do the same on the Direto in warm-up mode in BigRingVR, cylce 40kph, it shows between 450 and 470W. That is to much for me for a longer amount of time.

So I wonder, what is right, what is wrong ?

Is there someone who can help me out and try in BigRingVR (free for 14 days) what wattage 40kph in warm-up is ?
Normally for 0% your weight doesn't matter, so anyone can try this and it should give the same results.

Or, if you have an idea of what is wrong, what is right in this situation, please advise.