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Cracking noise from mobile magnet

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:02 pm
by senger_b
During some rides I experienced a some kind of a ratched sound that seems to come from the mobile magnet part. I removed the plastic cover and powered the trainer on. Then the magnet moves and at a certain point it make a ratchet sound like an electric screwdriver that has passed the maximal ollowed torque. It stops moving at that time point.

I have a direto XR that I bought in september 2020 that works fine so far.

Any idea how I can fix this ?
Thanks for your help.

Re: Cracking noise from mobile magnet

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2025 6:30 pm
by stefan_l_01
I had this recently too.
My both magntets showed also wear on top, so it had contact with the flying wheel.

All what I say is on your own risk if you repeat

First I took a screwdriver and thightened firmly all screws of the flyingwheel disc pointing to the magnets. This cleared a few tenth of mm and the contact seems to be gone. Also I smoothened the contact wear of the magnets, which seems to be only coming from the plastic cover.

Then I cleared the old lubricant on the axis and put on new one. However I was not able to move the magnets far inside by level of the app.
But to the left of the axis is a contatct swith, if you hit it it moves a bit inside each time (I was in level mode of the app). It´s probably a kind of null position sensor at startup or so. So I could put lubricant everywhere and distribute it. At the end power off and restart the direto.

After all the noise was gone.
Best regards