Drivo Erg Mode

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby francescostudiogiovannini » Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:02 am

lellinoaereoplanino wrote:mi accodo agli stessi problemi
col garmin 1000 comando il drivo ( ma col pc è uguale )
passare da 150w a 220w variando contemporaneamente anche la cadenza è impossibile
le ho provate tutte
se sono a 150w 70 di cadenza e passo allo step di allenamento successivo da 220w e 100 di cadenza..... beh ! 1 inferno
aumento la cadenza ma la resistenza anke per 30 secondi arriva e resta a 400w
devo fermarmi nel pedalare, aspettare che il drivo sposti il magnete interno e ricominciare perdendo un minuto dello step di allenamento

ma quando dovro' fare scatti da 30 secondi o magari da 10 secondi? come faro'???

ho provato a vari smoothing, ma nulla !!!

ke delusione !!!

Ciao, nel frattempo hai risolto in qualche maniera? Anche io non sono affatto contento, nello specifico di questo Direto II. E pensare che il Rampa sotto questo aspetto (nessuna oscillazione anomala della potenza/cadenza etc etc etc etc) funzionava egregiamente, peccato solo che perdeva la connessione coi sensori ogni 2 allenamenti su 4 o quasi (cambiata chiavetta ant+, usb hubs, cavi, prese di corrente), inusabile per altri motivi quindi, reso ad Amazon e acquistato il Direto II nella speranza...di chi visse sperando. Ma per Elite è tutto normale, perché i loro grafici non si discutono, i loro trainer sono talmente precisi poi, che se qualcosa non va con Zwift bisogna rivolgersi a Zwift, quando le opzioni in Zwift sono 3! Euh, io vedo sul sito Zwift che Elite Direto è certificato con la loro applicazione, pare che Elite non ne sia tanto al corrente dalle loro risposte. Ma ingegneri ne abbiamo? Lavorare su un nuovo firmware no? Eccellenza italiana dov'è quando ci sono dei problemi tangibili lamentati da tantissimi utenti?

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Col.Mustard » Wed Feb 27, 2019 6:44 am

Same, I've opened a couple tickets about this, only to be told my peddle stroke was the cause of this variance. I won't be buying any more Elite products, since they dont care about support after the sale.

stevo_bird wrote:I bought one of the first Drivo units and noticed this problem straight away using Trainer Road and Zwift in workout mode. I reached out to Elite a couple of times and was told that they’d never heard of the issue. I just left it and avoided doing workouts with big differences in power between work and rest intervals and swore loudly at the Drivo whenever it locked up mid-workout.

I went to the trade show at the NEC last year and found a chap on the Elite stand (when they were trying to promote Drivo II) and funnily enough got the same answer “never heard of that before”. When a simple search will reveal posts everywhere from frustrated users with the same issue. I can only think it is a problem with their hardware that they are trying to smoke screen and nothing that can be sorted with a firmware update, but then why would they release Drivo II with seemingly the same problem?

I’ve just read through this whole thread and cannot believe they haven’t addressed it. Sure, ask people to send in their files, calibrations, etc... if it is a couple of isolated incidents, but this issue is affecting HUGE numbers of users. It is a fundamental problem, which their lack of resolving has led to the brand being rubbished in multiple locations online. In an era where companies can’t stand their brand being publicly called out online, Elite seem not to care one jot.

I have just had another failed workout (in their own My ETraining app - which I have been using for the last year exclusively) and decided I am not just going to ‘put up’ with my £1,000 trainer anymore and avoid workouts that actually improve my fitness.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Col.Mustard » Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:15 pm

Graph from this morning. Target power in ERG was to be 130 watts. Ranges from 107w to 157w. :evil:

drivo.PNG (30.93 KiB) Viewed 21115 times

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Col.Mustard » Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:20 pm

Target 250 watts. Range is 229 - 279 watts Note the sine-wave :cry:

2.PNG (22.91 KiB) Viewed 21115 times

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby stevo_bird » Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:57 pm

That seems fairly normal to me and within what I’d expect a reasonable tolerance to be. Wahoo artificially smooths this, but the actual power will be within similar maximums and minimums as those for most people.

My issue is going from say 200 watts to 400 and the Drivo will increase the resistance until I’m doing 600+ watts and then grind to a halt, forcing me to pause the workout and wait for the trainer to reset.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby andrews » Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:10 pm

I have the same problem. When doing workouts in Zwift the resistance will go way over the target power and I have to stop pedalling. Sometimes the resistance won’t release at the end of a segment. Zwift and elite blame each other. I feel really let down and don’t know what to do next.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Col.Mustard » Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:27 pm

Here's a typical death spiral. Graph starts around 225w. Workout then calls for 280w (and increase cadence to 110) at around minute 47. You can still see the oscillations in power from 268w to 310w.

Workout returns to 225 steady state, then calls for another 280w interval. This time the death spiral appears. Resistance goes up to 425w and holds. You must stop pedaling, disengage ERG, then wait for the trainer to back the power down.

death.PNG (32.09 KiB) Viewed 21097 times

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby stevo_bird » Thu Feb 28, 2019 7:53 pm

andrews wrote:I have the same problem. When doing workouts in Zwift the resistance will go way over the target power and I have to stop pedalling. Sometimes the resistance won’t release at the end of a segment. Zwift and elite blame each other. I feel really let down and don’t know what to do next.

It is exactly the same with TrainerRoad and Elite’s own software, so not sure they have a leg to stand on blaming Zwift. I’ve not used TR or Zwift for the last year or so (I’ve only used MyETraining - around 4-5 workouts a week) and it is just as bad.

The thing that confuses me is the ‘death spiral’ doesn’t happen every time. It could happen for 5 or 6 intervals in a row and then on the next one you can actually feel the Drivo release once you get to the target wattage, then the next 2 or 3 intervals are often fine too.

Cadence or pedalling style don’t seem to make any difference. If the Drivo decides it’s got it in for you, you’re screwed.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby Gladius » Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:22 pm

andrews wrote:I have the same problem. When doing workouts in Zwift the resistance will go way over the target power and I have to stop pedalling. Sometimes the resistance won’t release at the end of a segment. Zwift and elite blame each other. I feel really let down and don’t know what to do next.

Make sure your wheel circumference is set to the Drivo and not your wheel. Also, Zwift is crap with Elite trainers. I use Golden Cheetah in ERG mode and don't get those spikes.

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Re: Drivo Erg Mode

Postby sjester86 » Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:01 pm


Any updates from Elite on identifying the issue and any thoughts on corrections? I just purchased an Elite Direto II about 2 weeks ago and I am encountering during 10-30s sprints that the trainer can take upwards to 7-8 seconds to actually achieve the power and when at it, it still seems to not be able to maintain it.

If there's not going to be a fix, or the fix is not being prioritized, I would like to return this trainer and go with one that is better with ERG. The only purpose for a trainer for myself is ERG modes. Not much interested in Sim.

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