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Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:01 am
by cs_mclean
Just took delivery of a Driving last week and have completed a couple of sessions on it now.

The concern I have and wanted to check is whether other users are getting quite a lot a vibration from their units. It seems to be at a cadence of 95 + or higher speeds, both when in higher gear.

Now it's not a loud noise but is off putting as it feels like a washing machine when the counter balance isnt right, or it's not level.

The other thing I'm getting is a slight electronic clunk when using it , now I'm thinking this might be the magnets engaging but does feel slightly strange.

Any thoughts welcomed.


Re: Vibration

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:38 am
by Elite Admin S
Good morning

Guys, when you hear strange sounds or noises. the best solution is to contact the customer care at [email protected] adding a little video in which we can hear it. If the file is too big, please use a file sharing site (like wetransfer or sendspace) to upload the video and send us the link
