Elite qubo digital smart b+ Does not work

Moderators: Elite Admin M, Elite Admin S

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Elite qubo digital smart b+ Does not work

Postby Seanmaher » Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:25 pm

I think my thread was deleted and went unanswered. My elite qubo digital smart b+ won't pair with anything by Bluetooth. I spent 4 hours yesterday trying to set it up with the elite app and it doesn't even pick up my pedalling. It also doesn't work with the stats recorder it came with nor zwift. I would love someone to help and if my thread is deleted again I guess I'll just have to ring the official elite helpline and complain.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite qubo digital smart b+ Does not work

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:01 pm


I've answered you in the other discussion you've opened.

But I'd like also to point out that we answer to the forum request only periodically. We try to answer weekly, but in some periods of the year (like this) it may happens that we are not able to answer until a couple of weeks.
Forums are used usually to share experiences with other users. If you need a fast solution, contacting the customer care ([email protected]) is the best way to act.

But I'll do my best to answer more quickly from January, be patient!

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