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Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:16 am
by bljj4him
Hello Everyone
History: I have owned my Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ for 2 years now. Only used it on Zwift. It has worked absolutly perfect.

During a Zwift workout NOT in ERG mode. I hit the (increase) incline button, and thats when everything went bad. My trainer now seems to be locked at approx- 350 watts or so but reads on Zwift 30 watts , if you pedal really, really hard you might hit 100 watts........I have been in contact with Zwift support, I sent them my log files, Zwift support said I had interference. I eliminated all possible problems, fan, tv, etc. Long story short nothing has worked to correct the situation. I have tried to re-calibrate using my E Training app, its a struggle just to get through the 10 min warm-up since the trainer seems to be locked at appox. 350 watts then you hit P1-I actually was able to perform P1, but P2 and P3 are off the chart hard.
I've also tried the Real Trainer app........ just input the P1-P3 , hit calibrate........... not 100 % sure if its even working, yes I waited 11 minutes as it says to.
I also bought a new cable/dongle, attempted to recalibrate again multipal, multipal times
I have the same problem on bluetooth. (very hard to pedal) no variation of resistance.
My trainer is,FE-C UPGRADED
SERIAL # 57082
Nothing is working? Help !

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:14 pm
by Elite Admin S

It is necessary to investigate further.
Please contact the customer care at [email protected], the guys there will tell you what to do.


Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:33 pm
by bljj4him
Ok, thank you, I’ll email them.

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 3:07 pm
sounds exactly what i experienced this morning. i was on a zwift workout this morning. ERG on. i was 3qtr into the workout when 95% felt like 200% and 50% didn't come at all. paused workout, unpaired and re-paired. didn't fix it. it's stuck on very high resistance.

wattage readings were low. off the saddle, couldn't even get to 100w.

hoping that's not the end of my trainer

zwift is looking at my logs now but they said they know of hardware resistance issues.

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:04 pm
by guisa_guisa
Good evening,

I have just experienced the same issue twice in the last 3 days while on zwift. Resistance really high, low power reading and flywheel super hot.
After disconnecting from zwift, the trainer didn't go back to reset itself, even after switching off the power for a few minutes.

A bit of help would be good to sort this problem out...winter is coming.


Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 1:40 pm
by Elite Admin S

I see you're already in contact with our customer care to solve the problem.


Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:15 pm
by jorisvanderhenst
Same problem here. Is there a general solution?

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 5:15 pm
by jorisvanderhenst
Same problem here. Is there a general solution?

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:11 pm
by stu81
@guisa I have the same problem. Could You tell me, did You resolve this problem and how?

Re: Elite Qubo Digital Smart B+ (won't re-calibrate)

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:43 pm
by thomas.tyberghein
Hi Elite,

I have the same problem. Wat can I do.

Big resistance, very low power numbers.

kind regards;