E-motion ANT.......Want FE-C

RealAxiom, RealTour, RealPower, Real Turbo Muin, Real emotion

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E-motion ANT.......Want FE-C

Postby [email protected] » Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:37 am

Real E-motion ANT (serial 282)

Quite a few years.
Is there ANY way to get it to work with the ANT FE-C protocol?

I've tried update it, but it does not seem to be compatible. Something happened though, as Zwift stopped working with it as controlable unit, but got it back up again. Not FE-C though, and way to low resistance

I very much prefer to use this e-motion design, so purchasing a new nero (or quick motion) is not an option
(I also experianced a lot of static from those (?))

Anyways. Any way to make this work? Does not have to be e free solution. New card? New elerctronics/resistance unit (B+, Arion Digital B+, nero)

Best regards,

Update log:
07.03.2021 10:02:29 ANT DLLs found!
07.03.2021 10:02:29 Run time Mode!
07.03.2021 10:02:29 FormCreate
07.03.2021 10:02:29 Trainer Device Number 282
07.03.2021 10:02:29 Console Device Number 5555
07.03.2021 10:02:48 Request Firmware Version (send)
07.03.2021 10:02:54 Request Firmware Version (send)
07.03.2021 10:03:00 Request Firmware Version (send)
07.03.2021 10:03:05 Request Firmware Version (send)
07.03.2021 10:03:08 Firmware Request Failed (EventRxFailed)
07.03.2021 10:03:16 Error in FW version reading.

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