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Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:13 am
by Tri233m
Hi there.

I am having issues getting a Elite Rampa Smart turbo and a new Wahoo Elemnt computer configured correctly.
Its linking successfully via ANT+.
I am seeing issue with the speed it shows on the Elemnt when riding a training ride I regularly use outdoors, and also when tested as a set power rating. The speed is both wrong and varies when it shouldn't.

Elites's post on this forum suggests a circumference setting of 62mm. I really don't understand this, as the roller diameter is 40mm so there is no way the circumference (pi x diameter) is 62mm.
If I use 0.062m my speed is much slower than it should be.

I have tried entering the actual roller diameter x pi (40 x 3.14) = 126mm (0.126m in the app), and this is better (probably 1/2 the speed of real life), but nothing like real life speed.

When I contact Wahoo they say - try 0.175m, which they say is the size for the Direto, not my Rampa. This gives me better results, the Wahoo speed figures vary/fluctuate significantly vs a bluetooth connected phone running myETraining .

I thought an ANT+ FE-C connected device would give me more reliable figures than bluetooth. :?

Wahoo suggest I contact Elite - so I am looking here for help.

Note: I am setup correctly as per the Rampa instructions with 7.5bar in the 700x23C tyre, and the correct clamping setup - there is no tyre slip.

Many Thanks


Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:36 pm
by tthesaint
I have a similar issue with an elite turbo turno and wahoo bolt. I might have resolved it by connecting using the AnT+ sensor only and using a custom wheel circumference of 0.0173 not 0.0175.

I am just warming up at the moment and speed / distance seem accurate I think.

Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:16 am
by Elite Admin S

with Rampa, if you use a non Elite device you have to set a circumference of 63mm. This because the speed is calculated counting half turns of the roller (so, circumference is 40*pi = 126mm , divided by two is 63mm).
If you still have wrong speed with this, please contact our customer care at [email protected], as it is necessary to check if there's something wrong in the speed sensor.


Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:11 pm
by Tri233m
@Elite Admin
Hi there.
Finally got round to testing this and the results are worst than before.
Rather than continue with the dialogue here have emailed [email protected] and Sonia direct, as you suggest.


Stagger (Simon)

Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:12 pm
by Elite Admin S

I confirm you that some users are contacting us because they have speed problems with Wahoo Elmnt.
Contact Wahoo customer care, it seems to be a bug on their side.

Then, if they give you a solution, share it here.
We'll try to contact them too.


Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:58 pm
by Tri233m
Hi there.

What I would really like is for you two companies to work together, and converse to get the matter resolved, rather than me being stuck in the middle.

I have had to turn off the neat 'Sync to Strava' function on the Elemnt as the average speed and resulting distances I have 'ridden' on the Rampa are laughably small.

Working in the support industry myself I so often see cases where companies blame each other rather then working together to find a solution, so it would be a really great that you do contact them - as you say above :)

Many Thanks


Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:56 pm
by davidb_home
I have the same problem with the Digital B+ rollers. It used to be fine, was great at connecting to Bolt and gave perfect speeds. Something has gone wrong.
I contacted Wahoo they told me to contact Elite, and it seems that this is what Elite says too.

I have tried adjusting the wheel circumference and yes it brings the mph much closer but jumps wildly.

Please sort this out as I am losing patience with this situation

Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:53 am
by vbogdan
I have a similar problem. I use Elite Rampa. Training wheel 26er, pressure ok. No slippage. I tried: Zwift, My E-traning, Rouvy. Tried both Bluetooth and Ant+. No problem with connection, apps found the Rampa all the time, circumference is automatically set to 63 mm. Everything looks great everything works, but... In all cases the apps show speed more than twice as low as speedometer. Same with watts. Example: when i'm riding the flat, max. speed, the apps shows something like 20 km/hr and 100 W. It doesn´t look like problem of apps.
Did you allready know the solution how to fix it?
I'm trying to communicate with [email protected]. I will let you know.

Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:41 pm
by Elite Admin S
I see our technicians are checking your situation.
Go on with the assistance with them and at the end, if you'd like, share here the results


Re: Speed issues with new Rampa and Wahoo Elemnt.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 4:12 pm
by elite-it-597860
Hi Stagger,

stagger321 wrote:Thanks for the confirmation. I have emailed Wahoo directly - as I already have an open ticket with them.

Did this issue resolve already? I've had similar issues while using the WahooApp and a Qubo PowerMag Smart B+ (via Bluetooth).