Circumference settings

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Circumference settings

Postby TPR » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:17 am


I am using Elite Kura and I'm asked to enter wheel circumference in two places:
1. My ETraining app
2. Garmin 735xt watch

What should I enter in both of these? Should these be normalised values or actual ones counting rim size AND tyre size? I use 700c wheels.

AFAIK Elite Kura actual circmuference is 603 (this is the value I should put into my garmin or any other 3rd party device)? But when I enter this it shows my speed as less than 20kmh with ~160watts (I'm 79kg), which doesn't make sense (it's too little). But when I enter ~2000 there, it shows I'm 50kmh with the same wattage.

So what should I enter? :geek:

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Re: Circumference settings

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:40 am

The values you're using are correct.

Consider that Kura is not a simulator, its power curve grows up very quickly (far more than what you'd have on a real road training).
Let's have a look at the Kura power curve:


As you can see, if you are riding at around 20km/h you are already developing around 200W.
That's how this kind of trainer works.

Here you can find a document that explains well this point (it's about Turbo Muin, but the concept is the same): ... XpKZU5JMlk

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