Turbo Muin B+ unit

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Turbo Muin B+ unit

Postby Jazzfm » Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:31 pm

So I’ve just got the above and hooked it all up today, both with Elite Training App and Zwift, and I don’t understand why the power is so high.

Previous power meter reading resulted in FTP of 260w and today it was 340w on the new trainer. I also noticed that speed in Zwift was also a good 20% higher, which is in line with power hike.

Can the trainer be adjusted to produce more realistic wattages, as Zwift has no settings that can be adjusted, but elite app does but does not make a huge 20% difference.

I’ve read the elite power curve document, which indicates that power would be higher, but why can’t it be simply calibrated to be more realistic, it’s only an algorythm and calculations.

I’d accept a simple solution, like the suggestion on other forums of tightening the belt, but what is the official line on this from Elite.

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Re: Turbo Muin B+ unit

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:30 am

This trainer is not a simulator. Its behavior cannot be compared to an outdoor training.
Its particular power curve is needed to allow the user to do both power and agility trainings.
It's not possible to change the curve, sorry.


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