Turbo Muin B+

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Turbo Muin B+

Postby Jazzfm » Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:09 pm

I’ve read a great deal about inflated wattages in Zwift and Elite training apps, and have read the documents by Elite on the power curve, but simple don’t understand, as a very experienced engineer, why the output of the Muin Turbo with B+ outputs the data it does.

The device simply has a base data set and then an algorithm / software to convert the data and broadcast it, so why can’t the unit simply be updated to produce a more realistic output, even if it is simply a simulator.

I’ve also read about tightening the belt, but why does this make a difference, is it slipping ? If this is a fix, what is the recommended setting and procedure, not just something off You Tube.

Will the new firmware software updates make a difference ?

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