Nero problem "Power/Time" mode

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Nero problem "Power/Time" mode

Postby mmakster » Wed Mar 31, 2021 9:59 pm


I am having problems with Nero in erg mode, where it is supposed to hold a given power. I am using myEtraining in "Program" mode with a "Power/Time" routine I have created, and I attach a strava screen shot of my power measured with Vector pedals.

From about 12:00 to about 22:00, the power should be constant, but instead fluctuates by over 40 W. The same issue arises at other points during the workout. I am using the "Power Meter Link" to my pedals.

What is going on?

For instance, should I not switch gears just before an increase in power?

myEtraining.png (21.33 KiB) Viewed 15799 times

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Re: Nero problem "Power/Time" mode

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:43 am


Power oscillations are absolutely normal.
The are due to the difference between a pedal stroke and the other. Even pro riders have +/-10-15W fluctuations.
If you compare it with an external power sensor, you will find the same fluctuations.
Also, Nero is a roller so it's a little more delicate. For example, if you zig-zag on the drums speed variates more and this causes more power variations.

We can analyze your data anyway if you want (we need to see also speed and cadence to understand the situation).
In this case, contact us:


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