Suito Swift training SW issues, Watts too high

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Suito Swift training SW issues, Watts too high

Postby wernervand » Fri Aug 19, 2022 4:06 pm

Good day,

I have an Elite Suito for a year now. What I notice in the last months is the following:

- when I perform a swift training with short peaks / climbs of high watts the software seems to be 'stuck' in too high watts
- meaning that instead 240 watt you get the feeling to push 300 watt as an example
- this does not happen when I join group rides, only on trainings

The hardware seems ok (casette, chain, bike, set-up) so it seems a software issue. Is there any way to 'reset' my trainer software or has anyone came across this issue and has a solution?

Thanks and regards,


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