Soft power ramping during training?

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Soft power ramping during training?

Postby neil855 » Tue Nov 15, 2022 12:14 pm

I understand that a new software feature being introduced across many brands and their trainers is that the resistance will automatically drop right down if a user has to stop or slow almost to a stop during training, rather than the usual (massively) increase the resistance to match the lower cadence, making it almost impossible to re-start a segment during training if there's been a problem. And then the resistance ramps back up to where it should be gradually, allowing the rider to "get on top of the gear" and continue. This seems like a very sensible option and something that should be very easy to implement, as it's just software-based. Any chance that there could be such an option in future software updates (I have a Drivo II)
Thank you.

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