Justo cadence problem

Suito, Direto, Tuo, Drivo, Rampa, Qubo Digital Smart B+, Real series

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Justo cadence problem

Postby hbreitfeldt » Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:46 pm

Hi all,
we have a problem with our Justo on Zwift and e-training with the cadence, when the power is less than 80-90 watt. The cadence is nearly half of the real. In workouts a pain. I installed a Garmin cadense sensor and now it works fine. But Elite promissed an exact cadence without any external sensor. Do other have the same experience/problem? Is there a solution? I use the latest firmware and did a calibration (i know, is not needed) with my e-training app, but no changes.
Many thanks in advance!


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Joined: Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:42 pm

Re: Justo cadence problem

Postby roy.nield27 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:55 pm

I find that if I pedal at a high cadence and low power then I also get cadence values half the value they should be. I am a time trialist with a very smooth pedalling style so the trainer algorithm cannot detect any pulses of power correctly. I now have a cadence sensor using the cadence bridge function and the numbers are correct.

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