Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

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Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

Postby Boombang » Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:09 am

Hi all, just bought a Direto, after a few tests to make sure data is recording I ran the 'Training Test'.

I stopped the test under a minute into the last 10 mins, I could not hold my target HR as the room was too hot and blew up.

The power graph and HR map perfectly to the data I was seeing on the app, but when you look at the numerical test results it shows very low and negative numbers. Even stopping the test early I cannot see why this would happen.

Images of result attached below.

I was also slightly surprised at 182 BPM HR being hit at 240watts. I am just coming back from an injury however so this could be my lack of fitness at the moment. Previous sub-max ramp tests I have gone over 300watts without blowing in the same way. I reserve judgement on the power being out until have run some more tests and recovered some fitness - so long as it is consistent it works for me as a training tool.
Screenshot_20180813-203905.png (117.82 KiB) Viewed 6526 times
Screenshot_20180813-203911.png (90.31 KiB) Viewed 6526 times

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

Postby Elite Admin S » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:43 am


If you stop the test before the end, the result will be incorrect.
Please do a complete test and then send me again the result.


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Re: Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

Postby Boombang » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:45 pm

Afraid that as the customer care took so long to get back to me (sure it said 48 hours and yet took a full working week), and this post sat for 2 weeks without being approved, I discussed it with the retailer and they gave me a refund in full.

There was no way I could have completed the test as you have designed it, the target HR is just higher than I can achieve and sustain for that long (even with more cooling). Unsure still if you can amend the target HR but then you have not helped me try and sort that here or on email.

Having ridden out on the road again a number of times since, and analysing my data, I am still query the power numbers being accurate but then it is no longer my concern.

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Re: Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:40 am

I'm sorry for your disappointment.

You've written to the customer care the 13th of August at 21:49 in the night.
Elite was closed for summer holidays and the 15th of August is national holiday in Italy.
Indeed we try even during summer holidays to reply within 2 days but sometimes it happen that we delay a little.

The 16th of August, 2 days and a half later, you've updated your request.
Every time you update a ticket, the ticket will go back in the tickets queue. So, your ticket was delayed a little more.
But the 17th of August, so the day after, the customer care has answered you.

If you consider the holidays, I think it is acceptable.
About the forum, during holidays we usually don't answer to the request.

Of course we apologize for this delay and for the inconvenience.

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Re: Training Test on Direto - negative numbers

Postby Boombang » Thu Aug 30, 2018 10:32 am

Obviously our definitions of acceptable differ, perhaps because I had spent over £600 on a product that was effectively useless for the purpose I had purchased.

The response, regardless of when you sent it, was just not helpful. You have not responded on if the target on the test can be adjusted (as I said I cannot complete it) but thankfully it is not my problem anymore.

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