Aleno Smart problem

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Aleno Smart problem

Postby bogdan.capruciu » Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:57 pm


I just bought an Aleno Smart trainer from Decathlon and I need help. I paired it with my eTraining app (Android) via Bluetooth but I cannot get any readings from the trainer. Speed just goes random when I just start pedalling and then drops to 0 or 0.1. No cadence or power readings also.
I tried:
- removing the battery
- swaping the battery with a new one
- installing the app on another phone, thinking mine might not support Bluetooth Smart
No luck so far.

I also tried to calibrate the sensor with the resistance lever, using the procedure found in the manual. Pressed the button until the led light blinked three times, then started pedalling and when I was going over 10kph I began switching resistance levels every 5 seconds. I didn't succeed.
Do I have to keep speed just over 10kph, or can I go as fast as I want?
After I reach level 8 and pedal 5 more seconds, do I stop peddaling? Or I began decresing resistance level?

I was planing on using it with a training app but for now I am pretty disappointed.
Sorry for the long post.

Thank you!

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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Sep 21, 2018 8:41 am


Are you sure to have selected the correct trainer in the menu?
Are you sure that you're connected with the trainer and not with other sensors in the area?
If you're sure that the configuration is ok, please contact the customer care at [email protected] adding a screenshot of the configuration (parameter screen and advanced setting screen) and a short description of the problem.

About the calibration of the trainer, I suggest you to ask some help from a friend to check the status of the led when you change resistance.
Basically, this is how it must work:
- be sure that the lever is on level 1
- when you start the calibration, the led must blink three times
- then, BEFORE changing level, you have to wait until the led blinks one time
- after the 8th level, the led will remain static for around 10 seconds

So, your friend must look at the led during the calibration and this is what has to happen:
- 3 blinks (start calibration)
- 1 blink (level 1 acknowledged)
- change level to level 2
- 1 blink (level 2 acknowledge)
- change level to level 3
- 1 blink (level 3 acknowledged)
- change level to level 8
- led static for 10 seconds

If this doesn't happen, it means that something is wrong. In this case, contact the customer care.


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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby bogdan.capruciu » Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:54 am

Thank you for your answer.
I was able to configure the trainer and everything went exactly as you described it.
I was making an error when pairing the trainer with the app, enabling cadence sensor. Thus, I think, I created a conflict between the trainer's sensor and the app's ability to calculate the parameters. When you wrote "you're connected with the trainer and not with other sensors in the area" made me think about what I was doing.

All the best!

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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:10 am

Perfect! Well done!
Have a nice day

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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby bogdan.capruciu » Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:49 pm

Hello again.
I was having a wonderful time with the Aleno trainer, riding in Zwift, until last week when the following problem began to occur.
I am connecting the trainer using Ant+ in pair with a HRM. It connects fine at the first pedal stroke.
During a race, at some point the trainer loses connection with the game. First time happened when I was going for a sprint. As I reached 400w at level 3 resistance, power reading suddenly went to 0. HRM reading remained, thus concluding only the trainer was having connectivity problems. I moved the resistance level to 8. Power reading and cadenece went back on. But when returning to level 3 and pedaling past 280w, power reading went back to 0.
If I pedal at level 4 resistanace, the power reading is constant, no values jumping even if I pass 300w, but it gets tiresome very quicly. At some point this connectivity problem self resolves and I am able to pedal at level 3, sprint, pass 300w and so on, and finish the race.
This is bugging me as it happens in the worst possible moment: climbs, sprints etc, and is happening during every session.
Nothing has been changed before this problem occured. Trainer - laptop distance remained the same, room stayed the same, Ant+ dognle the same.

Do you have any thoughts on this?
Thank you.

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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby bogdan.capruciu » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:16 pm


Coming back to this, still no answer from you.
The trainer now loses connection on all resistance levels. I changed the battery and recalibrated the trainer. I think I'm going to return it and get something else. Two months of use and it's already failing? Come on...

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:37 pm

Sorry for the late reply, in this period we check the forum less often.
It is necessary to investigate further. Please contact the customer care at [email protected]


wiel noteboren
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Re: Aleno Smart problem

Postby wiel noteboren » Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:03 pm

Mijn jaarabonnement is nog niet ten einde dus heb nog recht op gratis downloaden van ritten. Helaas als de rit bijna gedownload is houd het downloaden op. mijn vraag is wordt dit bewust tegen gehouden om een betaald abonnement af te sluiten waar het ogenschijnlijk wel op lijkt. Erger me er dood aan. vind het niet juist dat dit niet lukt.Mijn abonnement loopt nog tot 09-09-2020. Heeft nog iemand deze ervaring.?

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