Garmin Edge 520 -speed Elite aleno

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Garmin Edge 520 -speed Elite aleno

Postby jsilva.silva » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:10 pm

Good afternoon I'm finding the speed measure on my garmin with Aleno Smart an very exhausting task, I've being using the calculation - cirunference / 13.2 - giving me the result 158 - the velocity that I'm getting is between 50 and 90KMH.

My wheels are 700-23C, my circumference is 2096. I can get a closer velocity - to the one I can get with Garmin sensor velocity with wheel size 0100, but this is not accurate, this is a number that I've placed by chance.

Can please someone help??


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Re: Garmin Edge 520 -speed Elite aleno

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:05 pm


On the Garmin settings, you have to set a circumference equal to the roller one (so, 94mm).
Put this value on your Garmin and speed will be correct.
Please notice that not all the Garmin devices allow to insert a so low value.


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Re: Garmin Edge 520 -speed Elite aleno

Postby peternasser » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:14 am

I recently set up a direto.
The problem is when I sync my watch to the Direto my speed is a lot higher than what zwift says.
What is the correct we also must you can put on to my Garmin 935 watch?
Will it be the same as the 520?

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Re: Garmin Edge 520 -speed Elite aleno

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:32 pm

It may be due to the circumference setting.
You have to insert your circumference value divided by 12.1.
Also consider that Zwift use a virtual speed calculated from power (it doesn't use real speed), so there may be a difference


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