new2drivo wrote:Bottom line is it is impossible to complete the sets as prescribed. If keep cadence steady and let the resistence/power 'come to you' then its at least 10secs before getting to target so only 5 secs of work at the expected power.
The Elite support has changed parameters on my Drivo II. It took a couple of days but they were super nice and knowledgeable.
Responsiveness is fixed. It is almost too fast as large jumps of power change can now easily lead to Spiral of Death. When you see how fast the Drivo II can change the resistance you understand that Elite was trying a compromise between feasibility of the trainer and the user. I saw similar complaints for the Neo of a too fast change that people were not able to cope with it.
Depending on your capabilities you might go back an ask them to soften responsiveness....Beware!
It is purely a configuration. Seeing immediate relief at the end of the interval is very refreshing! Going into the interval might be very subjective of what is right and wrong - what is good for one person might not be good for the other one.
I am super happy now with my Drivo II. Road feel is excellent, responsiveness is excellence and sound (quietness) is good enough for me.
Overall it took less than two weeks from reaching out to Elite until the issue was solved. Yes, two days would have been better but for a satisfactory solution this ok. Thanks to the Elite Support!