Elite Suito Garmin fenix6 sensors

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Elite Suito Garmin fenix6 sensors

Postby d.brigljevic » Wed May 20, 2020 7:28 pm

Hi, I m very please user of your Elite Suito device, but my problem is that I recently bought Garmin fenix 6 and can t get them to work together. My speed is way off (around 400 :)) and I can t get the calibration for power to work. Please advise me what should i do so that i can watch my progress on Garmin.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite Suito Garmin fenix6 sensors

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu May 21, 2020 8:44 am


To have correct speed, you have to set the correct circumference setting on your Garmin device.
In your case you have to set wheel circumference / 24.8 ( Example: circumference 2095 mm / 24,8 = 84 mm )

Please look at this document:
https://elitesrl.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/a ... party-apps

Notice that not all the devices allow to insert a so personalized (and low) value.


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Re: Elite Suito Garmin fenix6 sensors

Postby m.kurniawansyah » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:24 pm


What is the right way to calibrate the Suito with Fenix 6x as power sensor? I have no issue calibrating with Zwift or my E training. But could not do it for my Fenix 6x. Is it not necessary?

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