I got my Directo X today. No skewer Spacer

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I got my Directo X today. No skewer Spacer

Postby pepinillo5000 » Wed May 27, 2020 11:58 pm

Hi, today arrived my directo X and the installation was smooth till i couldn't find the spacer.

Some one can tell me the dimension of the spacer. In the diagram show as part "C" or #part 6014220.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: I got my Directo X today. No skewer Spacer

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri May 29, 2020 7:49 am

Here's the dimensions:


If you can't find the part, contact us at [email protected].


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No skewer Spacer

Postby bird.rabbie » Tue Nov 03, 2020 8:58 pm

Hi, I have been having trouble centering the QR skewer on the non-drive side of a Zumo. If I locate on the skewer it drags the bike to one side. I have managed by centering the skewer visually and tightening up the QR as hard as I can.
However, this doesn't seem right and I have just looked on-line and seen there should be a spacer.
Is it #part 6014220.? This is the part number for the Direto which has the same problem.
When I bought the trainer there was no cassette, QR skewer, or spacer for the non-drive side.
How can I buy/get one?
Thanks, Robert Bird

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