elite turbo muin smart b+ set up

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elite turbo muin smart b+ set up

Postby stujkyle » Thu Mar 11, 2021 8:05 pm

I have bought a elite turbo muin smart b+ but can't it jt to work with my bike.

Took 11 speed cassette of cannondale caad 8 installed the metal spacer on the non hub side and I thought here we go.

But started to pedal and seemed strange hard to pedal with dead bits abs hard bits on the pedal rotation.

Gears also started to jump about and felt like I was grinding rather than pedaling.

Stopped looked at set all and all seemed OK.

But I seen the shimano black metal sticker on the cassette locking bolt had all been rubbed off and metal shavings below.

I tried another cassette and it done the same thing.

I have tried the bike on and off and can't seem to get it going.

Any advice?

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