Power And Noise Issue

Moderators: Elite Admin M, Elite Admin S

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Power And Noise Issue

Postby dagar » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:08 pm

Hi. I recently bought the Novo Smart trainer and I'm having some issues with power and noise.

When using the trainer on Level 1 in the My Elite app or using it on Zwift on a flat road (i.e. no/little resistance) I relatively easily run out of gears. When in the higher gears on my bike the trainer emits a loud noise, like an extremely loud fan. It almost sounds as if the unit is being overpowered even though it isn't. I use a trainer tyre and shock absorbing mat so those factors don't contribute to the noise.

If climbing, or a using Level 10+ in the My Elite app, I am obviously forced to select a lower gear on my bike to maintain the same level of effort and this doesn't produce any loud noise.

Is the trainer likely to be faulty or does it just require calibration?

If the latter could somebody please tell me which way I need to adjust the P settings and how I test this? I have tried turning all 3 P values both up and down, but this doesn't seem to make any difference to the resistance or the noise/power issue on My Elite Level 1 or Zwift flat roads.

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Power And Noise Issue

Postby Elite Admin S » Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:37 am


For every noise issue, the better solution is to contact our customer care:

Add a short video in which we can hear the noise.
If the file is too heavy, upload the video using a file sharing site (for example http://www.wetransfer.com) and send us the link to download the video.
Add also your trainer serial number in the request


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