Power smoothing setting not found in my e training app

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Power smoothing setting not found in my e training app

Postby louisduvergern » Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:24 pm

I have the problem of the power fluctuation using the erg mode with zwift. I saw that setting the power smoothing to a higher value could help. However I'm unable to see this parameter in the settings on both the android and apple apps. How do I do that?

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Re: Power smoothing setting not found in my e training app

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:35 am

Power smoothing is an option available only on the trainers that have an internal power sensor (Direto, Drivo...)
So, it's not available on Suito.

That said, power oscillations of around +/-20W are normal (they depends on the natural difference of power between a pedal stroke and another).
Do you have higher oscillations?

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