Qobu Digital Smart B+ calibration not working properly

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Qobu Digital Smart B+ calibration not working properly

Postby gunther.vanloco » Tue Nov 03, 2020 11:11 pm


Today when I wanted to work out the trainer lost connection to the zwift app several times.
Rebooting the pc, zwift app and the trainer did not work. :(
I then tried to calibrate via the app on iOS but after several times gave up because none of the calibrations seemed right on the zwift app.
It was either too low or either too high in number of Watts..... :evil:

Is zwift the way to go for calibraion ?
Is there a way to set default settings for calibrations ?
And so to what do I need to set the P1,P2 and P3 then ?

I weigh around 95kg for reference and have an ftp around 231W.
Firmware is up to date according to upgrado app and set to version 147 and hardware version 006.


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