Suito-T vibration on pedal stroke at certain cadences

Turno, Kura, Turbo Muin Smart B+, Qubo Power Mag Smart B+

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Suito-T vibration on pedal stroke at certain cadences

Postby rockymoran » Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:45 pm

I've had a Suito-T for about 3 months now.

Since day 1, I've been getting a "vibration" (it's not really audible, but I can feel it) at particular cadences and powers. It's typically in the 80-95 range, though with more power it starts tracking up higher: I usually maintain ~105rpm, but if I'm doing VO2 max intervals where I'm trying to maintain a higher power at the same cadence, the vibration will also creep up to match--so I have to spin faster to "outrun" the vibration.

I originally thought it was something to do with the bike's drivetrain, but I've since taken the bike to the shop a couple of times for different adjustments, etc., and I'm still getting the issues and only at home on the trainer.

This is incredibly frustrating since the vibration adds inconsistent resistance to the pedal stroke and is aggravating some tendonitis in my right knee.

Is this a software problem? Hardware? Any ideas or solutions?

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Elite Admin S
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Re: Suito-T vibration on pedal stroke at certain cadences

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:44 am


Please contact our support explaining the problem:

Remember to add also your trainer serial number when you submit the request


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